
I noticed something lately and I’m wondering how true it is for others. I notice that I’ve gotten used to reading in small chunks. I read articles and blog posts and much less often longer pieces. i notice for me there is a distinct difference in the sustained reading. I tend to start off slow but once I get about seven or eight pages in my speed reading kicks in and I start to read very quickly.

Do you find you tend to read in smaller chunks than before?
How do you feel when you go back to reading a longer piece such as a novel?
Is this ‘burst’ reading a real change in the way people read in general or just something that has happened to me?

Blogged with the Flock Browser

About allankyoto

Family man, English Teacher, seeker of peace and truth in Nova Scotia Canada. Also former owner and operator of a small language school in Kyoto, Japan.
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1 Response to Reading

  1. Becky says:

    LOL! I was interacting in Google Wave not too long ago, and I found myself writing like I was in Twitter. I was laughing with the person I was interacting with about how quickly something becomes habit. For me, it was the writing thing, but I can see how it could just as easily be translated to how we read. I wonder how long it will be before we learn to teach in 140 characters or less!! LOL.

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