Into Thin Air

Into Thin Air

I just finished reading this fascinating page turning account by Jon Krakauer of the 1996 disaster on Mount Everest. I can see this book appealing to a lot of students on a lot of levels. Its something I would very much like to see in my classroom as a study of non fiction journalistic writing. 

Some of the ‘Big’ questions I would use to help shape a reading of the book would be….
1. What can people learn from nature?
2. Can people live up to high ideals?
3. What drives human behavior?
4. Is anything worth dying for?
5. Can reporters always stay objective?
6. What can we learn from disaster?
7. When is a risk worth taking?
8. Why do people seek danger?
9. How do you make decisions?


About allankyoto

Family man, English Teacher, seeker of peace and truth in Nova Scotia Canada. Also former owner and operator of a small language school in Kyoto, Japan.
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